Free Commercial Fonts: Recommend several commonly used commercially licensed fonts for download

The vast majority of Internet people know that most of the fonts are copyrighted, and the ones we use the most, such as Microsoft Yahei, are actually copyrighted. If you use them for commercial purposes without copyrights, it will infringe other people’s copyrights.

You must be cautious when making pictures and making commercial fonts, so how should you choose the right font? Here are a few fonts that are free and commercially licensed:

1. Siyuan Blackbody is free for commercial use

Free Commercial Fonts: Recommend several commonly used commercially licensed fonts for download

It is strongly recommended to download both HeiTi and HeiTi. Many simplified characters have different font shapes and each has its own advantages.

For example, the above is the 720-degree panorama H5 made by Beijing News with iH5, and the right side is the effect of replacing all the text with Siyuan bold.

You can see that simply adjusting the character width, character height, character spacing, and font color can give a strong sense of design.

[appropriate types]

A more square and smooth-edged layout, such as a design based on geometric figures, is suitable for both headlines and body fonts.

[Example H5]

Free Commercial Fonts: Recommend several commonly used commercially licensed fonts for download

[download link]

[Download Guide]

2. Siyuan Song Typeface is free for commercial use

Free Commercial Fonts: Recommend several commonly used commercially licensed fonts for download

[appropriate types]

Formats with irregular graphic edges, such as light and fog, are suitable for titles and short texts.

[Example H5]

Free Commercial Fonts: Recommend several commonly used commercially licensed fonts for download

[download link]

3. The title body of Pangmen Zhengdao is free for commercial use

Free Commercial Fonts: Recommend several commonly used commercially licensed fonts for download

The public welfare project launched by Pangmen Zhengdao Amen quoted a sentence from Amen to express their attitude towards this set of fonts: “No time limit, no limit, no charge, use whatever you want!”

Free Commercial Fonts: Recommend several commonly used commercially licensed fonts for download

[appropriate types]

The relatively square or curved format is often used for font reconstruction (glyph redesign), and is suitable for posters and H5 title words.

[download link]


4. ZCOOL series is free for commercial use

Free Commercial Fonts: Recommend several commonly used commercially licensed fonts for download

Up to now, there are 4 kinds of fonts, all of which are free to authorize the whole society to use, and commercial use is allowed.

[appropriate types]

The relatively square format with smooth edges is often used for font redesign, and is suitable for title words and short copywriting.

[Example H5]

Free Commercial Fonts: Recommend several commonly used commercially licensed fonts for download

[download link]


about Us:

Infocode Lanchang Information Technology Co., Ltd. has successfully provided high-quality services for many Fortune 500 companies and other famous brands in the world. It is your reliable Internet development provider.

Serving customers throughout Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Qingdao, Nanjing, Ningbo, Suzhou, Wuxi, Xiamen, Chongqing, Xi’an and other large and medium-sized cities and regions Provide you with: H5 development, small program development, H5 outsourcing, WeChat development, H5 mall development, small program mall Development, website development outsourcing, H5 game development, small program development outsourcing, small program design, APP development outsourcing, UI design, SEO optimization, SEO outsourcing, video post-production and other high-quality services

Free Commercial Fonts: Recommend several commonly used commercially licensed fonts for download

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